
We Can Learn A Lot From A Box Of Crayons

I don’t want to be called white any more.  I am most assuredly not the color white, maybe sorta’ pinkish. I don’t wish to be called Caucasian either, because my ancestors were not from that region near the Black Sea and southeastern Russia.  For that matter, don’t call me European-American, where my ancestors originated.  I am simply American.  My ancestors kind of had a role in making me what I am.  I have chosen my own destiny and God has given me free will. 

Thinking about the children’s song, “Jesus Loves the Little Children,” made me realize that it is a song that is not politically correct.  “Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight.”  No longer politically correct or literally correct.  Red has been wrong a long time in referring to the Natives of the Americas.  Yellow for Asians, black for people originating in Africa and White, well, European and Northern climates.   

If God did some experimenting after he created Adam out of the dirt, well, these designations might make a little sense if the Asians originated at the yellow river area of China and Natives of America originated in the Arizona, Utah, New Mexico part of America.  That doesn’t make sense either, because Adam would be considered a brown man (maybe he was sand colored like the Middle East?) and the dirt in Africa is decidedly not black.  There is some black dirt here in Texas, however!  …But, I digress.  No one knows, of course, where “Eden” was exactly or what “color” Adam was and does it really matter?  (Yes I believe we were created by God, however that happened.)   

Why do we have to have “race” designations, anyway?  Aren’t we all a mixed bag, so to speak?  There are few, if any, people who have their DNA results to come from one place and one place only on the world map.  

Maybe if we went by shade designations, according to the box of crayons, there would be no more profiling.  On the other hand, it could go something like this, Browns commit more crimes of murder than Copper colors.  Sepias are more prone to get speeding tickets and Peaches do more drug crimes, etc.  This might not be a good thing.  Why are there statistics on race at all?

Give the police a shade chart to mark for skin tone.  Heck, a report said that the Texas Department of Public Safety incorrectly marked race most of the time, anyway!  Maybe they did not want to be accused of racial profiling?  Maybe a shade chart would help if they are having trouble identifying race.  Over the radio, the dispatcher could say a Mahogany color man with brown shoulder length hair was seen fleeing the 7- Eleven that had just been robbed at knife point.  He was wearing… you get the drift.  We have hair color down pretty well, already, right, and eye color?  It seems to be skin color that is causing the problems. 

We all bleed red.  

Back to crayons… they sit in the box, all colors, side by side, other colors not bothering them.  Yet they are each beautiful.  Just like people, whatever shade, we are all beautiful.  Now I have discovered that just like political correctness, the crayon box has changed a lot since I was a child.  There is no longer a “flesh” tone or a “nude”.  In fact, not one color comes close to my particular skin shade of color.  I guess I would be a mix of white and apricot.  So for the shade chart, we may have to mix some colors and come out with a new chart.


Let’s do away with race descriptions and become shades.  We are the human race and I am a peachy white color human American.

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